On the Road: Japan
Words and Photos: Natalie Ng
My trip to Japan at the end of 2019 was the result of a spontaneous visit to the local travel agency, with the goal to escape mundane work life and to experience all the glory and hype that is Japan. This wonderful little pocket of the world was always a bucket list item for me waiting to be ticked off, further fuelled by my growing interest in film photography. And 17 days is all it took to fall hard and fast for the food, culture and people. In hindsight, I should have booked a one-way ticket instead. This series of photographs was documented during my travels throughout Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, created on 35mm and medium format film.
Find Natalie: @journalbynat
Find the full photo story, On the Road: Japan, in Womenclan: Journal Two available now.
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